What is the difference between Collision and Comprehensive coverage for my automobile?

Collision Insurance covers damage to your vehicle in the event of a covered accident involving a collision with another vehicle. This may include repairs or a full replacement of your covered vehicle.

Comprehensive Car Insurance – pays for damage to your vehicle caused by covered events such as theft, vandalism or hail, which are not collision-related.

What is an endorsement?

An insurance endorsement, also called a rider, is a change to your insurance policy that adjusts your coverage. Adding an endorsement to your existing insurance contract usually means adding or modifying coverage. For instance, if you choose to purchase an optional coverage to broaden your insurance protection, it may be called an endorsement.

Do you need homeowners insurance to buy a home?

Your state may or may not require homeowners insurance, but your mortgage lender typically will require coverage in order to provide a home loan. Even if you own your home outright and you are not required to buy homeowners insurance, it’s still a good idea to protect your investment with an insurance policy.

Should I buy comprehensive or collision insurance if I have an old car?

The general rule of thumb for deciding whether to drop Comp & Collision on a car is to check how much you are paying for both Comp & Collision and multiply that amount by four years. If the total is more than the value of the vehicle, you are probably safe to remove the coverages.

What happens if I lie about my driving history?

If you lie about your driving history, the DMV reports that you are committing what is known as “soft fraud.” If you do lie, the insurance company can deny you services and cancel your coverage.

Is my child who is covered under my policy still covered by my policy while driving someone else's car?

In most states, the insurance company will pay to cover repairs to your vehicle regardless of who is driving. But when insurers look at the person behind your wheel and the other car involved in the collision, things become less black and white. It can depend on the terms of your coverage, your policy and the state where you live.

Permissive use is a clause within your insurance coverage that covers drivers who you give permission to drive your car. The permission could just be verbal. It doesn’t need to be written down anywhere. And these drivers don’t need to be members of your immediate family or live in your household. They could just be a friend (or a distant aunt). But you must look at your policy first to see if there’s a permissive use clause in place. Not all insurance policies include it.

Non-permissive use is when someone takes your car without your consent. This could be theft, but it could also happen if a friend uses it without your permission. If they get into an accident and they’re at fault, it’ll be their insurance coverage that covers their liability first—not yours. But you probably won’t escape being liable for some of the costs, either. Why? Because most insurers will take the view that, because you generally know this person, you did give permission—unless you specifically named them in your policy as someone not allowed to use your car.

Does the age of a home affect homeowners insurance?

Home Features and Characteristics — Your home’s age, structure, wiring, type and age of roof, garage, etc., can affect your homeowners insurance premium. Older homes can often cost more to insure, and those costs can differ depending on whether your home is brick, frame, stone or has synthetic siding.

Is auto insurance mandatory?

Yes, auto insurance is mandatory in every state across the U.S., but insurance carrying laws vary. To make sure you have the right insurance, visit your state government’s transportation website.

What happens if I don’t get auto insurance?

If you get in an accident and you’re uninsured, you face getting sued, losing your life’s savings and getting jail time.

How expensive is auto insurance?

Auto insurance is relatively inexpensive, but this depends on your driving history and credit report.

Does my homeowners insurance cover an Airbnb?

Homeowners insurance companies usually don’t cover the commercial use of a home, such as an Airbnb rental. This means that if an Airbnb guest damages your belongings, your homeowners insurance claim would be denied because it’s a commercial property issue.

What is the cheapest policy?

The most affordable policy is auto liability. Though it is often recommended that you purchase more than this coverage type.

Can I put anyone on my policy?

You can include members of your household on your policy, but you must all live at the same address.

If I’m driving someone else’s car and get in an accident, Who’s insurance do I use?

You will use their auto insurance. For whatever costs that are left over, you will then use your insurance.

When can an auto insurance company deny an accident claim?

They can deny your claims if they have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you were driving recklessly or lied about accident damages.

Which insurance company is the best?

This depends entirely on your area and what type of coverage you are looking for.